Friday, March 21, 2008


So, I have a long history of back problems that is much too long to explain here, but for awhile now my back has been doing really well. Until Monday, that is. I was perfectly fine all day Sunday, and then I woke up Monday in excrutiating pain. Long story short, because of the severity of the pain, I ended up in the ER. Like normal, they just put me on drugs and sent me home. They did do a CAT scan, which came back clean, so I have to get other tests done now to find out what's going on.

I saw another doctor today and he referred me to a physical therapist (I start that tomorow), and he will be referring me to an orthopedic surgeon to get more tests (MRI, x-ray) run. Now the pain is radiating down my right leg, and is causing complications with walking, sitting, standing.... Ugh. So now I'm on a bunch of pain killers that don't really work and I don't want to be on, and I'll be seeing a whole bunch of doctors in the near future to (hopefully) figure out what is wrong with my body.

I hate being broken!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

They grow up so darned fast

I was admiring how free and wild one of our little 1st graders in Wonderland was this morning during workship. He's going to be a rockstar when he grows up. He already acts like he is one. He's such a ham. It's great. He was rocking out, as usual, during one of the more rowdy worship songs, and I was thinking about how I was jealous of his complete lack of inhibitions. There was nothing that could embarrass him! I was actually wondering when it is that we lose that childlike innocence and freedom when one of our 3rd graders, completely embarrassed by the "scene" this kid was making, turns to another older student (who was new), and explains "He's only in first grade."

So, there you have it. It's not the cares and worries of adulthood that make us lose our childlike ways. It's third grade.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I just met God on a swingset

I love swing sets. Always have.

But my intention this evening was not to go swing. I just wanted to take a walk. However, a combination of my (probably) irrational fears and that overwhelming feeling when God is nudging you in a certain direction led me to the swing set down at KCS.

I just wanted a walk! I went on the walk I normally take, which leads to a dead end at a field. Normally, I then turn around and head home. This evening, however, I ran into a strange old man towards the end of the street who had a glass of wine in his hand, and was throwing out a few beer bottles. He asked how I was, and I did the same. He replied "I'm trying to be good, but it's hard." He then proceeds to tell me I'm beautiful. It weirded me out. So instead of turning around and walking back past the guy (who is now in his truck, with the wine still in hand), I cut through the dirt field at the end of the road and decided to take a long way home. Since my alternate route led me close to work (KCS), I decided to head over there and walk around the track before heading home. Once I got there, though, I knew I needed to go sit on the swings.

That's when I hung out with God.

It was so wonderful just sitting on the swing, observing what was going on around me. For the first time in quite some time I actually really paid attention to the beauty of my surroundings. I noticed the pattern of the leaves on the tree above me. I heard a cow 'moo' and was amazed at how creative our God was when he created the animals. I swung as high as the swing would let me, with my eyes closed, and it was the most freeing experience I've had in ages. It was completely exhilarating, and I finally felt alive. Really alive. I felt the wind on my face and in my hair without being annoyed or worried about my hair going crazy (a common concern for us curly-headed people). Even the normally disruptive sounds brought me more into the presence of God. A plane flew overhead. Motorcycles drove past. The swing set creaked. And all I could do was thank God for gifting people with the ability to imagine and create the things around me. It was this incredible experience of prayer. I didn't even say anything, I just knew God knew what was on my heart. I don't know if this will make sense, but it was like I was seeing poetry all around me. I don't know, it makes sense in my head! Once I finally got up, I walked back home, still in prayer and communion with our Creator. I prayed for my students, one especially, who I feel a real burden for. I finally got home, an hour after I began (and an extra mile and a half more than I planned) and wanted to share my experience with you (whoever you are).

We really do live in a beautiful world, and so often I'm so annoyed and busy that I don't notice the little things. The bright yellow flowers in someones yard. The little blue petals growing up in the green grass. The smell of a freshly mowed lawn. The flight of a bird.

When you stop noticing those things, or you find yourself annoyed at life; go sit on a swing. God might join you there.

Friday, March 7, 2008

I really should be cleaning...

But here I am, starting yet another internet profile (in addition to myspace and facebook. oh well, I'm bored of those, anyway). We'll see how often I use this, I'm a rather busy gal! I would love a place to write down my rather random thoughts and observations (thus "diana's desultory deductions"). I guess now that I've started this, and have nothing else to say for the time being, I'll go back to cleaning my house. I know, it's late, but if I don't get it clean I'll be rather embarrassed when people come over tomorrow!