Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves...

In addition to this, she's destroyed:

multiple pairs of underwear and socks
a few pairs of shoes
(including my adorable pointy black heels)
the telephone cord for our internet
two blankets
(torn to shreds all over our back yard)
the drip system in our backyard
a rose bush
(tore it completely out)
two leads
(she can chew through one in under 5 minutes)
a ceramic bowl
the nozzle for our hose

and possibly our sliding glass door
(more on that later...)

Can someone remind me why I wanted a dog?


Erica Young said...

I am right there with you. Our dog is 4 mths old and he's made our basement smell like pee. We lock both our dogs in the basement for free roam and not much to destroy, instead he's peeing everywhere. He's destroyed half the basement from chewing up the tiles. I put a pee pad down there for him to use that instead of the floor and that was torn to pieces. I asked my husband that the other day, what possessed us to get a puppy.

Christy said...

oh naughty, naughty dog! OK, you wanted him cause he;s cute and cuddly. Hey, I tried! ;)

Scott said...


Dogs rock.

Kacie.Whigham said...

I am going through the same thing. We recently adopted a German Shepherd puppy and she is, at this very moment, teething on my kitchen rug.