Thursday, September 17, 2009

Have I told you lately...

...that I love my job?

Sure, there are frustrations.
There are problem students.
There are discipline issues and kids who won't turn in homework.
There are many wasted minutes trying to get them to shut up.

But, there are also students who listen intently as I lecture, quietly taking pages of notes, because they find the subject interesting.
There are students who steal my coffee cup and encase it in jello, knowing I'll find it hilarious.

There are drama students who gave each other such convincing "black eyes" that we had numerous people fooled.
There are students who make me laugh so hard I end up crying.
There are students who spend all day Saturday working on a paper that's not due until Thursday, because they know they will be having a busy week.
There are students who work hard in everything they do, even if it seems like an inconsequential task.
There are also students who turn in papers, on time, well written, correctly formatted.....

attached to chocolate.

Have I told you lately I love my job?


Lisa said...

nothing is better then waking up everyday and not dreading going to work! I am so happy to hear how much you enjoy the day to day!

btw - I love your new look, and I have missed you around here.....

Christy said...

I'm so glad to hear a teacher say that. I especially love the chocolate attched to the paper; I SOOOO should have tried that in school. ;)

Brandi said...

Miss you friend...

Rhonda said...

Yes you have. And I am soooo glad of it.
I love the bribery. A little chocolate NEVER hurts.