Monday, April 28, 2008

Not a good day.

I seem to have hit a slump. It was a long, somewhat depressing day, and there's no one to talk to. It's nice to know that a few of you will read this and that I have you ladies, including those I don't personally know, praying for me. I hate being a downer, but it's just been one of those days.

I had another doctors appointment today for a progesterone test, so we could see if the Clomid worked (since at last weeks ultrasound it looked like it didn't). I got a call bright and early this morning (around 6:50, thankfully I was already up!) from the Dr. office saying they needed to reschedule my appointment due to an emergency. I understand things come up, but this was one of those appointments that had to be done today, because the blood had to be drawn on a certain day of my cycle. So they decided to keep my appointment. Until I got there.

Then they told me that the blood has to be analyzed on the day it's drawn, and the guy who picks up the lab work had already been there that day, so they couldn't do it there. They sent me over to another lab place. I got there at 4:05. They close at 4:00.

So, on to a third place, where I finally get the blood drawn. Now I wait. I don't know how long I have to wait, but I so want to know the results. I'm tired of not knowing, I'm tired of false hope, I'm tired of well-intentioned people asking me when we're going to have children. It makes me want to cry every time someone asks me. And I get asked all the time.

Play practice tonight was rough. They aren't memorized yet. They were scatterbrained, and late to practice, and we weren't able to run the whole play. We go up in less than two weeks.I just wanted to cry when I got home.

Kyle is handling this totally different than me. All he can say is that "this sucks." Pray that our marriage is strengthened through this process, and that infertility and treatments don't put a strain on our relationship.

In happier news, Saturday night's formal was a blast. I so enjoyed being with the kids, and had a great time with them. The clue theme was a hit, and I so enjoyed being Mrs. Peacock. Mysteriously widowed five times.... hmmm...

You can kinda see my peacock feather earrings. I also had a bunch of peacock feathers in my hair. This is me with a wonderful, dear coworker, playing Mrs. White, the maid who ends up very wealthy, due to rifling through other's jewelry boxes.

We were on the Fox Theater marquee!

Thank you ladies for your prayers, for your encouragement, and your frienship. I couldn't go through all this without women like you! I love you guys!


Brandi said...

Oh God please fill Diana with your peace...we know you are in complete control of this situation...but walking through these times can seem so lonely and hopeless...fill her with the joy and hope only you can give...give her strength to walk through each day...God we know your timing is perfect and even though we don't always understand the things we have to walk through we know they are never for nothing...and I pray God that you work in Diana's body and allow her to conceive this baby that she desires so desperately...I love you Lord...thank you for loveing us and caring about our desires...Amen

Lisa said...

I can totaly relate to your feelings and I think it's normal for your hubby to not quit "get it"! I think mine feels sadness and pain for me, but he thinks when it is our time it will happen - he doesn't put much worry into it. I guess they know we worry enough for them - huh?!?!

Anyway, I to have bad days, I know the pain when some one asks why you don't have children yet, I know it gets SOOO old counting days and planning "romance" - but have faith, when it is our time it will happen one way or another.....

I am so glad I found your blog! It is nice to have someone who is going through the same struggles and who can relate to all of the frusterations!

Praying for you and that your time will come soon then later....

Lisa said...

on a lighter note...
I love your dress - you looked amazing!