Sunday, October 19, 2008

*leaving on a school bus*

Just wanted to say that I'm going to miss all you ladies until Thursday! It's the high school retreat at school, so I'll be up in the mountains, far away from any technology. So I'll miss everything that goes on in your lives over the next few days!

If you think of it, pray for our kids - that they will be receptive to the message at camp and that their friendships and faith will grow and mature.

And pray for me - I'm still not doing so great. I'm about 99% sure that I actually had/have food poisoning. Which type or what brought it on - who knows!? But, all the symptoms fit, and though I'm feeling much better, my stomach still is not doing well. I still can't really eat much, and even the little I'm able to eat upsets my stomach and often sends me running to the bathroom. So we'll see how a bus ride goes tomorrow!! Oh yeah, and how camp food reacts :(

"See" you ladies later this week!


Rhonda said...

I'll pray for you.
Maybe you should take a bag with some mild snacks so you can have food if the camp food is over the top.

Lisa said...

have a great time!
and hoping you feel well again soon!

Christy said...

oh, I was checking in to see how you were feeling. I hope you can rest at the retreat a little.

Erica Young said...

Just stopping by to see how your camping trip went and how you're feeling. Hope all went well!