Wednesday, October 8, 2008


We decided on Marley for a name for the pup. She's just so adorable! I don't have any pictures of her yet, besides ones on my phone, but in the next couple days I'll be snapping away like crazy and will get you some pictures of her.

Right now she's really lethargic, and she has slept almost every minute since I picked her up. She had her shots and surgery today (she was "altered" as the shelter puts it) so she'll be out of it for a couple days. And we can't give her a bath for a week, so we have to put up with SMELLY dog. But, she's cute!


Rhonda said...

She really is adorable! I'm so glad we got to meet her last night.

Christy said...

I love the name. Great choice! So fun!!

Erica Young said...

What a cute name! Can't wait to see pictures!