Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First day of school!

Well, like many of your kids, I'm back at school now! Of course, I'm on the other side of the desk. Like all the kids I got all dressed up and wore my nice, new (smaller sized!) outfit. Since everyone else is sharing first day of school pictures, I figured I would too. :)

So here's my first day of school outfit. Notice the wonderful red high heels - love them!

Here's a closer view of my killer shoes, because I know you want to see them better.

And since none of you have had the opportunity to see my classroom, I thought I'd give you guys a tour. As you can see, it too is done in black, white, and red. Perhaps those could be my favorite colors?

I love that little wooden sign I have below the class rules - it says "Thou shalt not whine." And below that you'll see my flowers and art work I made to match my room.

And then there is my desk, which normally looks much, much worse than this. And the student desks, which are normally filled with students (go figure, huh).

I have bulletin boards for each of my classes, and all the books that I teach for that class up as well, like this:

You'll see in the picture on the right that I have a periodic table - yes, in an English classroom. It's a periodic table of American Prose, and I just bought it and think it's just about the coolest thing ever, and that's why I'm a nerdy English teacher.

So each of those binders below represents a book/unit I teach. It's a lot. And then books that go with them have their home right next to the binders. I get to teach some amazing books - The Giver, To Kill A Mockingbird, Night, A Wrinkle in Time, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Great Divorce... just to name a few.

I also have a super cool bulletin board that I put pictures of my student on, but since it's a new school year... the only thing up there right now is the liger that students made for me last year.

Okay, I'm sick of dealing with the formatting on this silly post, so until next time... >


Rhonda said...

First let me say, I LOVE the new picture and look of your blog. VERY NICE!!!
Now, I'm so glad to hear about your first day of school. I have been thinking about you and praying for you. Your room is so cute. You need some Mary Englebreit figurines on your desk and bookshelf. And I love the red shoes.

Erica Young said...

Look how cute you are on your first day of school. Isn't it nice getting to wear smaller sizes, i love it. And I love, love, love your red high heel shoes. I have an awesome pair of red high heels too but I'm so afraid to wear them. I don't have anything to go with them.

Lisa said...

you and your room are adorable!!!!
hope this year is a great one....

Christy said...

aaaahhhhhh, love the shoes! And oh so jelous that you can walk in heels and look classy and cute! me? Not so much! ;) Have a great first week of school. You look great!! Classroom rocks as well. Red is my favorite color. Sassy and bold. :)

Leslie said...

cute cute cute cute... love seeing how passionate you are about teaching, your students are lucky to have you and hopefully your joy for the subject rubs off...
and hopefully those darling shoes aren't so cute they can't focus!!