Monday, August 18, 2008

Super Busy!

Hey all! It's been quite awhile! I've been back at work for a couple weeks now, and our students start on Wednesday! It's been a crazy, crazy time, and I've been super busy! I unfortunately will not have as much time now to blog and comment on your posts, but I am going to try my best to get on regularly! I've missed chatting with you guys! (And I just realized that every sentence has an exclamation mark. I must be really excited about talking with you guys).

We're doing well, and things are still looking good with the house. Kyle and I have started packing up a few things, and already I'm overwhelmed and dreading the move. I don't know how we collected all this junk!

In other news, we made a huge decision the other day, and have decided to put off our baby efforts for a few months. With everything that's going on, we want things to calm down a bit before we keep trying. Plus, last week the insurance guy came to my work, and the short term disability plan I signed up for, which will pay me money while I'm on maternity leave (sweet!), has certain exclusions to the coverage, and one of those is that there is a 30 day waiting period. So, the policy goes into effect Sept 1, which means I can't be pregnant before October 1, or else we don't get money.

I had already taken the medication this time, but we made the decision before getting to any of our crucial days, if you know what I mean, so we're pretty sure that I won't be pregnant this time. And then we'll go a couple months without the meds, and pick back up again later. I actually was the one who brought up the idea to take a couple months off, so God has totally been working in my life! In fact, when I share our decision with the book club ladies last week, I didn't even cry! Which is pretty amazing. I'm completely at peace with this decision, and I'm actually really happy about taking a break. The past year we've been so focused on trying to get pregnant, and now we'll be able to really reconnect as a couple and just enjoy each other's company for awhile. I'm really not sad about this at all, so there has been a huge change that has taken place in my life, and I know it's all God (along with the encouragement so many of you have given me). We don't know exactly when we'll start trying again, but I'll of course update you when that time comes.

So now our priority will just be each other, and I'm super excited about that. And it will give us time to settle into the house and our new budget before throwing in a baby! And (my completely selfish benefit that I'll get out of this) this also gives me more time to continue my weight loss. Had that been the only factor it wouldn't have been able to convince me to put off our efforts, of course, but it is a nice little side benefit. So far I'm down 12 pounds, and over 3 inches (total-from waist, hips, and legs), and I'm down a size! I love it, and I feel so much better already. Plus, I love shopping and being able to buy a smaller size.

So that's it for now, I had no intention to write this much, and I really need to get back to my classroom. It's a mess!


Jeka said...

I just want you to know that I admire your courage. I felt good for you guys that this decision will bring all blessings! And I noticed your weight loss (NOT THAT YOU NEEDED TO) but didnt say anything! CONGRATS!

Christy said...

I am so happy God is speaking to you and you have peace. What a sweet, sweet time for you and your husband. It was when I surrendered to God and just felt his presence wash over me that he dropped our sweet Morgan in to our laps. She told me today in the car that God speaks to her and she hears him clearly. She understands when it is him. *gulp* big lump in throat cant type any more. :)