Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quick Update

Thanks so much ladies for praying for me! I'm still really struggling, but I also feel hopeful again, so I think I'm getting back on the right track. I think the reason that I've been so emotional (besides that I'm pumped full of hormones, of course!) is because we're nearing the year and a half mark at the end of this cycle. So, if this one doesn't work, we'll reach yet another 'milestone' on this journey, and that's something I really don't want! Most couples get pregnant within 6 months when they are actively trying, so reaching a year past that just gets depressing. Also, and I know this is super silly, but my birthday is in just a few weeks, and I'll be 24 (I know, so old!), but I always thought I would have a baby or be pregnant by then. My mom had me at 23, my MIL was 23, and I think my SIL was 23 as well, and I'm not going to get that if this month doesn't work. I know, silly, but when you're full of all kinds of additional hormones, things like that can be very upsetting.
The good news, though, is that if it doesn't happen this time for us, I'll still have at least one more time on the meds, possibly two, before looking in to anything else. I had been thinking that this was our last try, so the stress and pressure have been incredible, and let's just that the last few days have not been so jolly, and Kyle is probably sure his wife is going crazy. But my doctor wants 3-6 ovulatory cycles before doing any more tests, and this is my 5th round, but one time the meds didn't work. So this round should give us our 4th ovulatory cycle, and we'll do one or two more times before doing some more tests to find out why things aren't working how they should work.
I also started looking at some adoption information the other day, but about five minutes into it I had to stop. We've always (from the time we were dating) talked about adopting, and we've always been very open to the idea of adopting children. We always wanted a family that was mixed with biological children and adopted children. I never thought though that adoption might be our only option. And if that ends up being the case, we'll be completely fine with that. There are so many children out there in need of love and a good home, and I want to open my arms up to several of them! However, I realized once I actually started looking at information that I'm no where near where I need to be emotionally to even consider adoption. I'm not ready to give up my dream of being pregnant and having biological children yet. Not to mention the financial aspect of trying to adopt- we're not in that place either. So until God actually calls us that direction, we're going to keep hanging on to this roller coaster we're on.
Even though I'm doing a little better I still covet your prayers! Pray that we'll have patience, that we'll trust God's plan in all this, that I'll be able to handle my mood swings with grace ;) and that Kyle and I will grow closer together and closer to God through all this. I've really been convicted on that recently, and I know that Kyle and I really need to focus more of our self as a couple on God. So I'm going to look for a Bible study for us to do together (any suggestions?) so that we can make sure our relationship with each other and God is as strong as it can be when our little one does decide to come along.
Thanks and I love you all!


Leslie said...

oh Diana,
Im praying ever so much.
I can't imagine.

There are so many of you I know longing for babies, I pray you find them in your arms shortly.

So praying for this cycle

Erica Young said...

Diana you bring me to tears knowing you are trying so desperately but nothing is happening. There are so many of us on that journey. I'm praying for you my friend.

When my sister had her baby last week, I was so excited for her but depressed at the same time.

I'm with you on the adoption thing. There are so many children out there waiting for loving parents. But at the same time it amazes me how much money it is to adopt.

Rhonda said...

I am praying!!!!

Erica Young said...

Just checking in to see how you're doing?? I hope all is well.

Brandi said...

Love you girl...

Amberlynne said...

I'm praying for you.

Christy said...

so hard I know. And you are wise in knowing you are not ready to adopt if you dont feel God is done with you in trying to have a baby. I think we have talked and I told you went through Bethany to adopt both times and LOVED it. Also, when Bush was in office he passed an adoption tax law that allows you to write ALL expenses off and we got all of our money back after both adoptions. So there are lots of things to look into in that regard when you are ready and there are lots of people who have gone before you that would love to help with anything you need. :)

Lisa said...

thinking of you lady and hoping this is your month.....
keep me posted....

{thank you for all of your sweet words - all my love}