Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pray for good results...

This will be short and sweet... We need your prayers for good test results! Despite the fact that he was completely uncomfortable and hated the whole ordeal, Kyle agreed to be tested so we could rule him out as a contributing factor to our infertility struggles. Somehow, he got through it! Don't know when we'll get the results, but pray that everything is normal. It's bad enough that my body doesn't work right, we really don't want to have to deal with two contributing factors.

Completely off topic... Kyle is watching Nashville Star, and I'm appalled by the people they picked for their top 12. The medley the top 12 just did was horrible!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

if he only knew what we went through at our apts/tests...
They don't have it so bad, huh?

Praying, as I always do...