Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well, ladies, it didn't work this month. It's disappointing, but I'm doing okay. Thank you for your prayers and support, I know you were cheering me on. I have to go down to work and clean out my classroom, but I'll get back on later today/tonight and post some more. There's something that's bothering me and I need to let it out! I did want to put a quick thing up though, for those who have been wondering if our lunch time adventure worked. (My mother in law tells me "Well, at least you had a fun lunch!" Kyle would DIE if he knew his mom said that! He was freaked out enough that I had even told her that I went home that day at lunch.)


Leslie said...

fun lunch indeed.. oh Diana, here is too hoping to next month as the meds seem to be working...

hang in there....
and another month to create some "fun" memories

Rhonda said...

Ditto to what Leslie said. I'll keep praying. How are you doing? God's timing is perfect!

Karter and Kamryn's Adventures! said...

Hey Diana-

Long time no talk! Hey just stumbled on to your blog! Sorry you are struggling. We have had 4 couples that are our friends ended up with IVF babies! We will be praying for you guys! Hand in there!


Karter and Kamryn's Adventures! said...

Sorry for my lame spelling error! I meant Hang!